At the June 2020 Board of Directors meeting, the Board voted to update the eligibility for applicants applying for the examination:
Mental Health Education and Experience:
Applicants must possess mental health training and related clinical experience and may demonstrate this in two ways: either
- the applicant must possess a post-graduate level degree in a mental health discipline, including related clinical experience, resulting in licensure or certification for the independent practice of a core mental care at the highest clinical level for that care; or
- alternatively, demonstrating by reasonably satisfactory documentation their having obtained education, training and clinical experience that shows a solid foundation and practice experience in mental health care (including close supervision in individual cases), for example: psychotherapy experience; the ability to diagnose mental disorders; make differential diagnoses and biopsychosocial and psychodynamic formulations; develop individual treatment plans; and know how to use consultants or make referrals in areas outside his or her scope of practice.
For purposes of interpreting and applying this eligibility requirement, a license or certification solely to practice psychoanalysis shall not be deemed a licensure or certification in a core mental care discipline under clause (1).
An applicant with such a license or certification must separately and in addition meet the requirements either of clause (1) by possessing licensure or certification for the independent practice of a core mental health care discipline, or of clause (2) by demonstrating the described education, training and clinical experience.
Psychoanalytic Education and Training:
Applicants must either:
- be graduates of Institutes accredited or approved as meeting the standards of AAPE, ACPEinc, IPA, or APsaA; (submit analytic certificate) or
- have successfully completed an integrated psychoanalytic training program meeting the following minimum criteria:
A. 300 hours of in-depth training analysis, frequency of 3-5 times/week;
B. 350 curriculum hours including course work in:
i. Psychoanalytic Treatment Situation and Technique;
ii. Psychoanalytic Theory;
iii. Psychopathology;
iv. Development; and
v. Continuous Case Seminars and Clinical Conferences.
C. Two supervised analytic cases, each 3-5 times/week with a minimum of 200
supervised hours but in any event over sufficient period of time to allow the
applicant to have recognized, evaluated, and interpreted the dominant
genetic factors and central conflicts, as well as to have allowed significant
transference manifestations to have developed, be observed, understood and
worked through and to have allowed for counter transference manifestations
to be understood.
Licensure & Ethics:
- have an appropriate and current mental health-related license to practice in the jurisdiction in which the applicant is practicing or, if in a jurisdiction that does not require such licensure, to provide additional information
- comply with ethical standards and professional conduct
Analytic Experience:
- submit written reports and be prepared to discuss at the interview cases that meet the following criteria:
- patients of different genders
- patients seen at a frequency of three to five times a week
- at least one case must have a termination experience
- be able and prepared to discuss a third patient who has been in a three to five times per week analysis
- at least two of the three cases presented must be conducted substantially in person.
It may be necessary that treatments be conducted remotely during quarantines, societal shutdowns or other periods when health or safety measures, such as social distancing, make in-person treatment not possible, and that the in-person requirement will be applied accordingly on a modified basis.
- submit process notes for a minimum of three cases at the examination
The reports of applicants for Child & Adolescent Certification, should include, in addition to above:
- one case of a child in the latency phase of development
- one case of an adolescent
- a brief child report on a third child/adolescent patient (five pages)