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Psychoanalytic certification examination results

Below are statistics from recent examinations.  

For September 2023 through August 2024,  the ABPsa administered twelve certification examinations


The February 2024 examination was held virtually with 5 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 4 passed for a 80% pass rate and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

JUNE 2024

The June 2024 examination was held virtually with 5 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 4 passed for an 80% pass rate and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who passed for a 100% pass rate.

For September 2022 through August 2023,  the ABPsa administered eleven certification examinations


The January 2023 examination was held virtually with 6 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 6 passed for a 100% pass rate and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

JUNE 2023

The June 2023 examination was held virtually with 3 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 3 passed for a 100% pass rate and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

For September 2021 through August 2022,  the ABPsa administered nine certification examinations.

February 2022

The February 2022 examination was held virtually with 4 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 3 passed for a 75% pass rate and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

JUNE 2022

The Summer 2022 examination was held virtually with 4 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 4 passed for a 100% pass rate.  There were no applicants for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis.

For September 2020 through August 2021,  the ABPsa administered eight certification examinations.

February 2021

The February 2021 examination was held virtually with 4 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 2 passed for a 50% pass rate.  There were no applicants for the Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis examination.

JUNE 2021

The June 2021 examination has held virtually with 3 applicants for Adult Psychoanalysis of which 3 passed for a 100% pass rate, and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent  Psychoanalysis with 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

For September 2019 through August 2020,  the ABPsa administered thirteen certification examinations.

February 2020

The February 2020 examination was held in New York City with 7 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 5 passed for a 71% pass rate, and 2 applicants for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis with 2 passed for a 100% pass rate.

June 2020

The June 2020 examination was held virtually with 3 applicants for Adult Psychoanalysis of which 2 passed for a 67% pass rate, and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent  Psychoanalysis with 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

For September 2018 through August 2019,  the ABPsa administered sixteen certification examinations.

February 2019

The February 2019 examination was held in New York City with 7 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 6 passed for a 85% pass rate, and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis with 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

June 2019

The June 2019 examination was held in San Diego, CA with 8 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 6 passed for a 75% pass rate.

For September 2017 through August 2018,  the ABPsa administered seventeen certification examinations. 

February 2018

The February 2018 examination was held in New York City with 9 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 5 passed for a 55% pass rate, and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis with 1 passed for a 100% pass rate.

June 2018

The June examination held in Chicago, IL had 7 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 5 passed for a 71% pass rate, there were no Child & Adolescent applicants.

For September 2016 through August 2017,  the ABPsa administered twenty five certification examinations. 

January 2017

The January 2017 examination was held in New York City with 13 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 9 passed for a 69% pass rate, and 3 applicants for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis with 3 passed for a 100% pass rate.  

June 2017

The June 2017 examination was held in Austin, TX  with 8 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 6 passed for a 78% pass rate, and 1 applicant for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis who passed for a 100% pass rate.

For September 2015 through August 2016,  the ABPsa administered thirty certification examinations.

January 2016

The January 2016 examination was held in New York City with 13 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 10 passed for a 77% pass rate.  There were no applicants for the Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis examination.

June 2016

For the June examination held in Chicago there were 14 applicants in Adult Psychoanalysis of which 11 passed for a 79% pass rate, and 3 applicants for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalysis of which 2 passed for a 67% pass rate.

The above numbers do not count Pre-Graduate Part 1 Applicants since passing the Part 1 section does not grant certification.   Part 2 applicants are included in the above numbers.

       Contact Us:
       501 S. Cherry Street, #1100, Denver, CO 80246
        Phone: (303) 676-8008  |  Email:

The American Board of Psychoanalysis is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving the public interest and promoting the profession of psychoanalysis through certification and maintenance of certification. 

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